Monday, July 28, 2008

Think you have a broken dishwasher think agian!

I have been having an on going battle with my dishwasher and film on my silverware. I have been yearning for silverware that sparkles. A knife that I could hold up to may face and put lipstick on with. I have tried every brand dishwasher soap known to man kind, every rinse agent including vinegar. I have argued with my GE repair man that my dishwasher is not up to par ..... demanding a new one. It is less than a year old for crying out loud! It is even one of those grinding type dishwashers that claim you do not have to rinse first and breaking all the environmental rules I rinse! Being really into the environment and global warming you know how this must weigh heavily upon my conscious! I am a water waster!

In my household emptying the dishwasher is a team effort. I am a single mom, so by default my son has to help out with all the chores. When the dishwasher is full my son does the silverware and plastics, I do the glass and sharp knives. We also get a little quality time in chatting as we empty. Strangely, I do not seem to have a problem with glassware.

Today, I made a discovery about my dishwasher in less than 1 minutes time. To think I spent months pondering this question. This moment will change our relationship forever (my dishwasher and I that is. And perhaps the Repair man too). My son basically let me know all of my efforts for clean silverware were just the rantings of a crazy woman and wasted time. Well, okay maybe 1/2 wasted efforts and time. My son who just finished kindergarten this year is really into the environment. He is also Mr. Smarty pants - the kid started reading at 2. We recycle and we even have 2 composters. A worm composter in our basement (yeah - I know you want to see pictures - that is another day another blog okay?) and one in our yard.

This is how our conversation went:

Me: Do not throw those yogurt cups in the garbage! What are you suppose to do with them?

Mr. Smarty Pants: I know, I know - reduce, reuse, recycle.

Good boy, I think. Patting myself on the back for teaching him about recycling. Also, giving his teacher some credit after all they did cover this in school too. He walks over to the sink rinses out his yogurt cup and puts it in the recycle bin. Then he walks over and puts his spoon in the silverware drawer.

Me: What are you doing? (as he shuts the drawer)

Mr. Smarty Pants: ReUsing mom. Reeeemember - 3R's, mom 3R's

My silverware looks dirty because it is! EWWWWW! Do you think I should I send the repair man cookies with a short letter of apology?


Lori said...

LOL! Ohh, that is awesome. I've always been a homebody, and now I have gas prices as the excuse. I'm also a terrible housekeeper, but now I can use environmentalism as the excuse! Thanks! ;)

Blog said...

I am not the best at houskeeper either and trust me when I say IF you recycle and start getting into the whole recycling thing it does make your house messer. It becomes an issue of saving everything to recycle = clutter! You have to have a good system and I am workign on it still. Thanks for posting!


Unknown said...

LOL, we all have some form of OCD!

Thanks for stopping by...I'm jealous you know Nate. Put in a good word for me, lol! I so want him to decorate up a storm at my house.

Michael said...

LOL, we all have some form of OCD!

Thanks for stopping by...I'm jealous you know Nate. Put in a good word for me, lol! I so want him to decorate up a storm at my house.

Blog said...

I am still waiting for him to decorate my house! Although he has given me some great paint colors for rooms in my home! I first met him before "O" and fell in "love" with him. Wanted him to be my boyfriend! LOL! Little did I know........... :)

Anonymous said...

LOL smart kid! ;)

So glad you figured out that I'm not the slob I appear to be! Yes, the previous tenants left it like that...ICK haha ;)

Anonymous said...

That is HILARIOUS!!!! And probably the exact reason I do not want help from Z in emptying my dishwasher!

Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Did I mention you are HILARIOUS?

Karol said...

That's a riot! Sounds exactly like something my son would do! (eye roll here)

Unknown said...

This is hilarious! Your son has taken "reuse" to a whole 'nother level.

Aunt Julie said...

After getting our dishwasher repairs umpteen bazillion times over 15 years, we finally bit the bullet and got a new one--on sale, of course. In fact,it was part of a closeout in an appliance store that was going out of business! No more film or crude stuck to the dishes, though!

Blog said...

opps! I went to respond and somehow posted 200 christmas cookie recipes! I hope you did not get that via email! I you did now you are set for Christmas and happy baking! LOL!

Thanks for the comments ladies! What a pleasant surprise to log on and find 3 new comments this morning!
